You can support MCCS several ways...
By graciously using the Donate button below to support us through PayPal using any major credit card.
By visiting our Supporters page and selecting among the many easy options listed there for individuals, corporations, advertising, scholarships, etc.
Click or tap to open our 50th Anniversary Brochure for more information about the Chorus and support opportunities.
MCCS is ever grateful to the loyal donors and patrons who have sustained it for a half of a century!
That support is needed now as much as when the society began. Anyone wishing to support Moore County Choral Society may send a contribution to: Moore County Choral Society, PO Box 785, Southern Pines NC 28388.
Golden Anniversary Season
Read The Pilot Newspaper article about the choir's plans for the upcoming season.
Upcoming Concerts
Golden Anniversary Celebration concert on Sunday, April 27, 2025
4 at 4 pm at Lee Auditorium at Pinecrest High School.

This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.